Acronym | Definition |
HVC➣Haifa Verification Conference |
HVC➣Highland Valley Copper (British Columbia, Canada) |
HVC➣Hd Video Compressor |
HVC➣Hue Value Chroma |
HVC➣Highly Vulnerable Children (various locations) |
HVC➣Hyatt Vacation Club (St. Petersburg, FL) |
HVC➣High Velocity Cloud (galactic cloud made of mostly atomic hydrogen) |
HVC➣Holographic Versatile Card (digital storage medium) |
HVC➣Hue-Value-Chroma |
HVC➣Hidden Valley Camp (Granite Falls, Washington) |
HVC➣Higher Vocal Center (brain region) |
HVC➣Hokkaido Venture Capital (Japan) |
HVC➣Home Video Computer (Nintendo) |
HVC➣Hudson Valley Council (New York) |
HVC➣Hearing and Vision Connections |
HVC➣Hope Valley College (UK) |
HVC➣High Voltage Capacitor |
HVC➣Heart Vascular Center |
HVC➣Hidden Valley Club (Vernon, NJ) |
HVC➣Hyper-Velocity Cannon |
HVC➣Herp Vet Connection |
HVC➣High Value Customer |
HVC➣High Voltage Condenser |
HVC➣Horizontal Vertical Colors (screen resolution) |
HVC➣Huntsville Voice Control |
HVC➣Handbal Vereniging Compas |
HVC➣High-Value Criminal |
HVC➣High Value Compound |
HVC➣Hayden's Viburnum Compound (herbal remedy) |
HVC➣High Valley Camp |
HVC➣History of the Vote in Canada (est. 1997) |
HVC➣Harvest Valley Computer (Homeland, CA) |