

单词 aspa
释义 DictionarySeeasp



A gene on chromosome 17p13.3 that encodes aspartoacylase, which catalyses the conversion of N-acetyl_L-aspartic acid–NAA to aspartate and acetate. NAA hydrolysis by aspartoacylase may help maintain white matter. 
Molecular pathology Defects in ASPA cause Canavan disease


ASPAAmerican Society for Public Administration
ASPAAllocation de Solidarité aux Personnes Agées (French: Solidarity Allowance for Elderly People)
ASPAAmerican Servicemembers Protection Act (US)
ASPAAmerican Society of Pension Actuaries
ASPAAmerican Screen Printing Association (Wexford, PA)
ASPAAntarctic Specially Protected Area
ASPAAssociation of Schools of Public Affairs
ASPAAmerican Political Science Association
ASPAAssociation of Specialized and Professional Accreditors
ASPAAuthentication Solution Providers' Association
ASPAAmerican Samoa Power Authority
ASPAAlabama State Port Authority
ASPAAustralian Secondary Principals Association
ASPAAmerican Scholastic Press Association
ASPAAmerican Society for Personnel Administration
ASPAAir Space
ASPAAmerican Salvage Pool Association
ASPAAssistant Secretary for Public Affairs
ASPAAnimals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 (UK)
ASPAAsociación Sindical de Pilotos de Aviación
ASPAAlabama Scholastic Press Association
ASPAAmerica do Sul-Paises Arabes (Portugese)
ASPAAmerican Sod Producers Association
ASPAAustralian Ski Patrol Association
ASPAAutomotive Specialty Products Alliance
ASPAArizona State Physicians Association
ASPAAfter-School Programs and Activities
ASPAAdministrative and Supervisory Personnel Association
ASPAArmed Services Procurement Act
ASPAAotearoa Student Press Association (New Zealand)
ASPAAustralian Scrabble Players Association
ASPAArkansas Scholastic Press Association
ASPAAircraft Service Period Adjustment
ASPAArkansas School Psychology Association
ASPAAmerican Sun Protection Association
ASPAAdventist Student Personnel Association
ASPAAssociation of Singapore Patent Agents
ASPAAlaska Skijoring and Pulk Association
ASPAAlabama Society of Physician Assistants
ASPAAustralian Software Publishers Association
ASPAArkansas Society of Public Accountants (Newport, AR)
ASPAArkansas State Police Association
ASPAArizona Staffing Professionals Association
ASPAAnnual Safety Performance Award
ASPAAlaska School Psychologists Association
ASPAAgricbusiness Service Plan Association
ASPAAssociated Students Performing Arts
ASPAAll Sky Patrol Astrophysics
ASPAAlaska State Prosecutors’ Association
ASPAAdult Student Personnel Association
ASPAAgriculture Sponsored Programs Administration
ASPAAmerican School Parents' Association
ASPAAll Saints' Parents Association
ASPAAvailable Space Proportional Allocation
ASPAAdvanced Semiconductor Packaging Assembly
ASPAAluminium Sheet Products Association (South Africa)
ASPAAdvanced Strategic Penetrating Aircraft
ASPAAmerican Society of Public Awareness
ASPAAldenham School Parents' Association
ASPAAssociate of the Society of Practising Accountants (UK)
ASPAAircraft Structure Periodic Adjustment
ASPAAdvanced Sonar Processing Architecture
ASPAAnnular Slot Planar Antenna
ASPAAnnunciation School Parents Association




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