

 [hi″po-kro-ma´zhah] 1. staining less intensely than normal.2. hypochromia (def. 1).


(hī'pō-krō'mē-ă), An anemic condition in which the percentage of hemoglobin in the red blood cells is lower than the normal range. Synonym(s): hypochromasia, hypochromatism (2) , hypochrosis [hypo- + G. chrōma, color]


(hī'pō-krō'mē-ă) An anemic condition in which the percentage of hemoglobin in the red blood cells is less than the normal range.
Synonym(s): hypochromasia, hypochromatism (2) .
[hypo- + G. chrōma, color]

Patient discussion about hypochromasia

Q. Has anyone tried natural hormones for hypo-thyroidism or fibromyalgia? I am on the low normal range for hypo-thyroidism (do not take meds for) and was diagnosed years ago with fibromyalgia. I take Ultram for the pain which also helps my fatigue factor but I still feel so sluggish sometimes and just want to sleep. I'm on an anti-depressant as it is. I've been hearing more about natural hormone therapy for these conditions and was wondering if anyone out there has tried this.A. i have cfids and fibro as well as had my thyroid removed (parathyroid still in place). There really is no substitute for Synthroid that is as effective. There is with cfids and fibro. sensitivity to medications so the dosage normally given would not be the same usually lower dosages or 1/4 to 1/2 tabs. i have started on D-ribose, enada, COQ10, PB 8, Fish Oil with Omegas and primrose oil and B12 compounded shots in addition to other medications to treat medical issues that come along with the diseases. The first are homeopathic and are metabolized at a greater rate than synthetic meds which are often not processed correctly and may build up in your system. It is good to find a specialist [true specialist] or immunologist to help you with the medications and symptomologies that occur. Each person's system is different yet the way that it recognizes medications, food and such is similar and unique to the illnesses.

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