Grayson Highlands State Park

Grayson Highlands State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Virginia
Location:Midway between Independence and Damascus on US 58.
Facilities:75 campsites (43 with water and electric hookups), 23 horsemen's campsites, group campsite, picnic area, picnic shelters, hiking trails, ski trails, biking trails, bridle trails, 67 horse stalls, visitor center with crafts shop.
Activities:Camping, fishing, hiking, mountain biking, horseback riding, rock climbing, cross-country skiing, interpretive programs, outdoor skills workshops.
Special Features:Located near Mount Rogers, the state's highest mountain peak, Grayson Highlands offers some of the state's most scenic alpine vistas and provides access to the Appalachian National Scenic Trail (see separate entry in national trails section) and trails in the surrounding Jefferson National Forest (see separate entry in national forests section).
Address:829 Grayson Highland Ln
Mouth of Wilson, VA 24363

Size: 4,822 acres.

See other parks in Virginia.