HTTP server

HTTP server

(World-Wide Web)(Or "web server") A server process runningat a website which sends out web pages in response toHTTP requests from remote browsers.

If one site runs more than one server they must use differentport numbers. Alternatively, several hostnames may bemapped to the same computer in which case they are known as"virtual servers".

Apache and NCSA HTTPd are two popular web servers.There are many others including some for practically everyplatform. Servers differ mostly in the "server-side"features they offer such as server-side include, and intheir authentication and access control mechanisms. Alldecent servers support CGI and most have some binary APIas well.

HTTP server

The software that services HTTP requests, which is the protocol of the Web. The term may refer only to the HTTP services in the Web server, or the term can be used as a synonym for "Web server." See Web server and HTTP.