Hutten, Ulrich von
Hutten, Ulrich von
(o͝ol`rĭkh fən ho͝ot`ən), 1488–1523, German humanist and poet, partisan of the Reformation, an outstanding figure in German political history. Hutten's career as poet was launched by his participation in the famous Episculae obscurorum virorum (1515), which supported the cause of ReuchlinReuchlin, Johann, 1455–1522, German humanist and lawyer, a scholar of Greek and Hebrew, b. Baden. He taught jurisprudence at Tübingen. In 1492 he began the study of Hebrew, and his Rudimenta Hebraica (1506) was the first Hebrew grammar written by a Christian.
..... Click the link for more information. . In 1517 he was crowned poet laureate by Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I. He wrote innumerable epigrams, speeches, and songs, although his main literary vehicle was dialogues; Arminius, the best known, is in the collection Gesprachsbüchlein (1521). A vehement patriot, he became an associate of Luther and joined SickingenSickingen, Franz von
, 1481–1523, German knight. Placed under the ban of the Holy Roman Empire because of his profitable forays along the Rhine, he served King Francis I of France and then made peace with Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I, whose service he entered.
..... Click the link for more information. in his war on ecclesiastical princes. He died in exile, seeking asylum with Zwingli.
See biography by D. F. Strauss (tr. 1874, repr. 1970); study by T. W. Best (1969).
Hutten, Ulrich von
Born Apr. 21, 1488, in Steckel-berg; died Aug. 29, 1523, on the island of Ufenau, Lake Zürich. German humanist, writer, and political figure. A member of the knightly estate.
Hutten was an active participant in the Erfurt circle of humanists and was one of the principal authors of the satire entitled Letters of Obscure Men(1515–17), which exposed the false doctrines of the scholastics and the moral disintegration of the clergy. Hutten advocated the development of secular culture, and in his own literary works, including his pub-licistic writing, he made masterful use of the method of rationalistic criticism of the Catholic dogmas. Hutten’s optimistic, humanistic world view was permeated by faith in the power of reason and science. From the beginning of the Reformation, Hutten belonged to the opposition, which grouped around Luther. He called for an open war against the papacy and for an end to the domination of the princes in Germany. In an unsuccessful attempt to direct a movement of all peoples against Rome in the interests of his own class, Hutten took part in an uprising of knights in 1522–23; after the failure of this uprising he fled to Switzerland, where he soon died. Hutten’s principal works—pamphlets, speeches, and invectives—are written in Latin. In his dialogues vividly portrayed characters are encountered (Vadiscus, or the Roman Trinity,1520; Robbers 1521). Outstanding among Hutten’s poems are his epigrams and the satire No One(1512).
Opera quae reperiripotuerunt omnia,vols. 1–7. Edited by E. Böcking. Leipzig, 1859–70.In Russian translation:
Dialogi—Publitsistika—Pis’ma.Moscow, 1959.
Engels, F. “Krest’ianskaia voina v Germanii.” K. Marx and F. Engels, Soch.,2nd ed., vol. 7, pp. 393–96.Purishev, B. Ocherki nemetskoi literatury XV-XVII vv.Moscow, 1955.
Volodarskii, V. M. “Gumanisticheskie vozzreniia Ul’rikha fon Gut-tena.” In the collection Srednie veka,vol. 24. Moscow, 1963.
Straus, D. F. Ul’rikh fon Gutten.St. Petersburg, 1896. (Translated from German.)
Drewinc, H. Vier Gestalten aus dem Zeitalter des Humanismus.St. Gallen, 1946.