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hol·o·crine H0243600 (hŏl′ə-krĭn, -krīn′, -krēn′, hō′lə-)adj. Of or relating to a gland whose output consists of disintegrated secretory cells along with the secretory product itself. [holo- + Greek krīnein, to separate; see endocrine.]holocrine (ˈhɒləkrɪn) adj (Biology) (of the secretion of glands) characterized by disintegration of the entire glandular cell in releasing its product, as in sebaceous glands. Compare merocrine, apocrine[C20: from holo- + Greek krinein to separate, decide]hol•o•crine (ˈhɒl ə krɪn, -ˌkraɪn, ˈhoʊ lə-) adj. (of a gland) releasing a secretion that is a product of disintegrating cells. [1900–05; holo- + -crine < Greek krinein to separate] Translationsholocrine
holocrine [hol´o-krin] wholly secretory, denoting that type of glandular secretion in which the entire secreting cell, along with its accumulated secretion, forms the secreted matter of the gland, as in the sebaceous glands. See also apocrine" >apocrine and merocrine" >merocrine.hol·o·crine glanda gland the secretion of which consists of disintegrated cells of the gland itself, for example, a sebaceous gland, in contrast to a merocrine gland.holocrine (hŏl′ə-krĭn, -krīn′, -krēn′, hō′lə-)adj. Of or relating to a gland whose output consists of disintegrated secretory cells along with the secretory product itself.hol·o·crine gland (hol'ō-krin gland) A gland with secretion that consists of disintegrated cells of the gland itself, e.g., a sebaceous gland, in contrast to a merocrine gland. holocrine Pertaining to a gland whose secretion is a breakdown product of the gland's own lining cells. A sebaceous gland is a holocrine gland.holocrine - (of a form of cell digestion, particularly in insects) characterized by self-disintegration to produce the digestive fluid.
- (of gland secretion) characterized by self-disintegration in releasing its product, as in sebaceous glands.