Gutor, Aleksei
Gutor, Aleksei Evgen’evich
Born Mar. 30 (Apr. 11), 1868, in Voronezh; died Aug. 13, 1938, in Moscow. Pre-revolutionary and Soviet military figure, lieutenant general (1914). The son of an officer.
Gutor graduated from the Mikhail Artillery School (1889) and the Academy of the General Staff (1895). He participated in the Russo-Japanese War of 1904–05. In 1913 he became chief of staff of the Kazan Military District. During World War I (1914–18) he was chief of staff of the Fourth Army, chief of the Thirty-fourth Infantry Division, and commander of the VI Army Corps. In April 1917 he became commander of the Eleventh Army, and from May to July 1917 he was commander in chief of the armies of the Southwestern Front. He then took a position at General Headquarters. In November 1917 he went over to the side of Soviet power. In August 1918 he became chairman of the Commission on Service Regulations. In May 1920 he joined the Special Consulting Group of the Chief Commander and in August 1920 became assistant chief commander for Siberia. After March 1922 he served as a teacher in the subdepartment of strategy at the Military Academy of the Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army. In 1931 he went into retirement.
Frontal’nyi udar pekhotnoi divizii. Moscow, 1936.Oborona korpusa na shirokom fronte. Moscow, 1939.