Acronym | Definition |
IDAC➣Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer (Japan) |
IDAC➣Informix Data Access Components |
IDAC➣Infectious Disease Association of California |
IDAC➣Infobus Data Access Component (Lotus) |
IDAC➣Instantaneous Detection and Correction (railroad wheel slippage) |
IDAC➣Internet Directory of Advisors and Consultants |
IDAC➣Interim Deployable ACCS Component |
IDAC➣Integrated Design & Analysis Consultants, LTD (Surrey, UK) |
IDAC➣Interim Digital-Analog Converter |
IDAC➣Impeller Driven Aircraft |
IDAC➣Interconnecting Digital-Analog Converter |
IDAC➣Inter-Digital Analog Converter |
IDAC➣Integrated Detector Amplifier Combination |
IDAC➣Istituzioni di Alta Cultura (Italian: Institutions of High Culture) |
IDAC➣Industrial Data Acquisition and Control (Slave Lake, Alberta, Canada technology company) |