Gratsianskii, Nikolai Pavlovich

Gratsianskii, Nikolai Pavlovich


Born October 1886 in Skopin, in present-day Riazan’ Oblast; died Nov. 4. 1945, in Moscow. Soviet historian, doctor of history (1934). Professor at Moscow State University (1934–36. 1941–45).

Gratsianskii’s major work is The Burgundy Countryside in the Tenth Through 12th Centuries (1935). Numerous works by Gratsianskii are devoted to the study of the agrarian history of the early Middle Ages and the history of the ancient Germans and Western Slavs and to the analysis of barbarian laws (in 1913 an edition of the Salic law was published in his translation). Gratsianskii was the first Soviet historian to put forward a sharp critique of A. Dopsch ; he exposed the fascist falsification of history.


Iz sotsial’no-ekonomicheskoi istorii zapadnoevropeiskogo sred-nevekov’ia: Sb. st. Moscow, 1960. (Posthumous edition with an introductory article and a bibliography of Gratsianskii’s works and of literature about him.)