释义 |
Hartmann operation Hart·mann op·er·a·tion (hahrt'mahn), resection of the sigmoid colon beginning at or just above the peritoneal reflexion and extending proximally, with closure of the rectal stump and end-colostomy.Hart·mann op·er·a·tion (hahrt'măn op-ĕr-ā'shŭn) Resection of the sigmoid colon beginning at or just above the peritoneal reflexion and extending proximally, with closure of the rectal stump and end-colostomy. Hartmann, Henri A.C.A., French surgeon, 1860-1952. Hartmann colostomyHartmann knifeHartmann mosquito forcepsHartmann operation - resection of the rectosigmoid colon beginning at or just above the peritoneal reflexion and extending proximally, with closure of the rectal stump and end-colostomy.Hartmann pouch - a spheroid or conical pouch at the junction of the neck of the gallbladder and the cystic duct. Synonym(s): ampulla of gallbladder; fossa provesicalis; pelvis of gallbladderHartmann resectionHartmann speculum |