Ina Boudier-Bakker

Boudier-Bakker, Ina


Born Apr. 15, 1875, in Amsterdam; died Dec. 26, 1966, in Utrecht. Dutch writer.

Boudier-Bakker’s first collection of stories was Powers (1902). The novels Poverty (1909), The Little Mirror (1917), The Street (1924), and A Knock at the Door (1930) portray the spiritual impoverishment of the Dutch bourgeoisie. Boudier-Bakker wrote the novel Finale (1937); the plays The Promised Land (1903), A Higher Law (1906), and The Flood (1926); the collections of stories Children (1905) and Paul (1936); and the poetry collection Attention! (1946), which was written during the Hitlerite occupation. The novel Gold From Straw (1949) describes the life of the Dutch bourgeoisie in the 19th century.


Aan de overkant, 5th ed. Amsterdam, 1964.
Boeket uit het werk. Amsterdam [1965].
De straat, 5th ed. Amsterdam, 1967.