Herrington Manor State Park

Herrington Manor State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Maryland
Location:In Garrett County, 5 miles northwest of Oakland.
Facilities:20 log cabins (2 @di), picnic areas (é) and shelters, trails, 53-acrelake, fishing pier (é), boat launch, boat rentals, ski, snowshoe, and sled rentals,food concession (é), tennis and volleyball courts, visitor center (é).
Activities:Boating (rowboats, canoes, paddleboats), freshwater fishing, swimming,hiking, mountain biking, tennis, volleyball, cross-country skiing,interpretive programs.
Special Features:Park is located within Garrett State Forest and offers miles ofwilderness hiking and cross-country ski trails. Special events such asmaple syrup demonstrations and apple butter making are held throughoutthe year.
Address:222 Herrington Ln
Oakland, MD 21550

Web: www.dnr.state.md.us/publiclands/western/herringtonmanor.html
Size: 365 acres.

See other parks in Maryland.