Harry S Truman Birthplace State Historic Site
Harry S Truman Birthplace State Historic Site
Location:In Lamar, 2 miles east of US 71, one block north off Highway 160 on Truman Street in Barton County.
Facilities:Historic home.
Activities:Guided tours.
Special Features:Harry Truman, the only Missourian ever elected US president, was bornhere on May 8, 1884. Truman's family stayed in the six-room frame home,built between 1880 and 1882, until Harry was almost one year old.Furnishings represent those typically found in homes during the periodwhen the Trumans lived here. In addition to the house, which hadneither indoor plumbing nor electricity, visitors can view the smokehouse,well, and outhouse in the back.
Address:1009 Truman St
Lamar, MO 64759
Web: www.mostateparks.com/trumansite.htm
Size: 2.5 acres.
See other parks in Missouri.