Harrisville State Park

Harrisville State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Michigan
Location:In Alcona County, 0.5 miles south of the M-72 intersection in Harrisville on US 23.
Facilities:195 modern campsites, mini-cabins, picnic area and shelter (é), playground, nature trail (2 miles), boat launch (nearby).
Activities:Camping, swimming, hiking, cross-country skiing, interpretive program.
Special Features:Park is situated in a stand of pine and cedar trees along the sandyshores of Lake Huron. Park does not offer any fishing or boatingfacilities, but there is a Dept of Natural Resources boating accesssite in Harrisville.
Address:248 State Park Rd
PO Box 326
Harrisville, MI 48740

Web: www.michigandnr.com/parksandtrails/ParksandTrailsInfo.aspx?id=451
Size: 107 acres.

See other parks in Michigan.