Harris, Seymour Edwin
Harris, Seymour Edwin
Born Sept. 8, 1897, in New York City. American economist.
Harris graduated from Harvard University in 1920 and subsequently taught there from 1922 to 1964, having become a full professor in 1945. From 1964 to 1972 he was a professor of economics at the University of California. He was often a consultant to various governmental institutions and organizations such as the US Department of the Treasury and the National Security Resources Board. Harris’s major works deal with general problems of the functioning of capitalist economies and their regulation and problems of anticrisis and anti-inflation policies. As one of the most prominent Keynesian economists, Harris attempts to show that it is possible to provide for long-term stable growth rates for the US economy by pursuing a policy of active government interference in the economy. Harris was editor of the Review of Economics and Statistics from 1943 to 1964.
Saving American Capitalism. New York, 1948.Inflation and Anti-inflationary Policies of American States. New York, 1950.
J. M. Keynes: Economist and Policy Maker. New York, 1955.
The Dollar in Crisis. New York, 1961.
Economics of the Kennedy Years. New York, 1964.
Statistical Portrait of Higher Education. New York, 1972.
Al’ter, L. B. Burzhuaznaia politicheskaia ekonomiia SShA. Moscow, 1971. (Chapter 13.)A. A. ZHITNIKOV