Harris Neck National Wildlife Refuge

Harris Neck National Wildlife Refuge

Parks Directory of the United States / National Wildlife RefugesAddress:c/o Savannah Coastal Refuges Complex
1000 Business Center Dr, Suite 10
Savannah, GA 31405

Web: www.fws.gov/harrisneck
Established: 1962.
Location:50 miles south of Savannah on the east coast of Georgia.
Facilities:Visitor contact station, trails, auto tour route (4 miles), fishing piers.
Activities:Fishing, hiking, bicycling, hunting, educational programs.
Special Features:Boating access to refuge tidal waters and Blackbeard Island can be gained from a public boat ramp located on the Barbour River (at the end of Harris Neck Road).
Habitats: 2,824 acres of saltwater marsh, grassland, mixed deciduous woods, and cropland.
Access: Open during daylight hours. Some portions of the refuge may be closed seasonally to protect wildlife from human disturbance..
Wild life: Egrets, herons, mallards, gadwalls, teals, wood storks, feral hogs, deer, alligators..

See other parks in Georgia.