Acronym | Definition |
HTLC➣Holy Trinity Lutheran Church (various locations) |
HTLC➣Hampshire Teaching and Leadership College (UK) |
HTLC➣Harmon's Tree & Lawn Care (Florida) |
HTLC➣High Temperature Liquid Composting |
HTLC➣Harriet Tubman Literary Circle (Texas) |
HTLC➣High-Temperature Liquid Chromatography (chemistry) |
HTLC➣Harvard Taiwan Leadership Conference (US and Taiwan) |
HTLC➣Hair Textures Long Curls |
HTLC➣High Tech Law Certificate (Santa Clara University; California) |
HTLC➣Hero's Tournament Lacrosse Club (Maryland) |
HTLC➣High Turbulence Liquid Chromatography |
HTLC➣High-Throughput Liquid Chromatography |
HTLC➣Human Trafficking Legislative Circle (advocacy) |
HTLC➣Harcourt Teacher Leadership Center (Franklin Institute; Philadelphia, PA) |
HTLC➣Hubbard-Teed Learning Community (Idaho) |