Hillside National Wildlife Refuge
Hillside National Wildlife Refuge
Cruger, MS 38924
Web: www.fws.gov/hillside
Established: 1975.
Location:13 miles north of Yazoo City, Mississippi.
Facilities:Viewing sites, hiking trails (é).
Activities:Fishing, hunting, educational programs.
Special Features:The refuge provides important stop-over and nesting habitat for neotropical migratory birds as one of the larger forested tracts in the Mississippi Delta.
Habitats: 15,572 acres of bottomland hardwoods, cypress sloughs, early successional reforested areas, croplands, ponds, and streams.
Access: Year round during daylight hours.
Wild life: Waterfowl and other migratory birds, including hooded mergansers, killdeer, snipe, sandpipers, yellowlegs, white-tailed deer, squirrel, rabbit, and American alligator.
See other parks in Mississippi.