Hillsdale State Park

Hillsdale State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Kansas
Location:3 miles west of Hillsdale, in Miami County.
Facilities:160 campsites with water and electric hookups, 40 non-utility sites,restrooms and showers, equestrian area with marked trails, swimmingbeach and bathhouse, picnic shelters, 10 boat ramp lanes, 5 courtesy docks, modelairplane flying field for radio-controlled planes.
Activities:Boating, fishing, swimming, hiking, horseback riding, bird watching, hunting (on adjacent lands), radio-controlled model airplane flying.
Special Features:Located in the fastest-growing area of the state, the park is heavilyused by residents of nearby Kansas City.
Address:26001 W 255th St
Paola, KS 66071

Web: www.kdwp.state.ks.us/news/state_parks/locations/hillsdale
Size: 2,830 acres.

See other parks in Kansas.