

单词 heroin



highly addictive narcotic derived from morphine: He had a hard time kicking heroin.
Not to be confused with:heroine – courageous woman; principle female character: The heroine of the play was a great actress.


H0167200 (hĕr′ō-ĭn)n. A white, odorless, bitter crystalline compound, C21H23NO5, that is derived from morphine and is a highly addictive illegal narcotic. Also called diacetylmorphine.
[German, originally a trademark.]


(ˈhɛrəʊɪn) n1. (Pharmacology) a white odourless bitter-tasting crystalline powder related to morphine: a highly addictive narcotic. Formula: C21H23NO5. Technical names: diamorphine or diacetylmorphine 2. (Recreational Drugs) a white odourless bitter-tasting crystalline powder related to morphine: a highly addictive narcotic. Formula: C21H23NO5. Technical names: diamorphine or diacetylmorphine [C19: coined in German as a trademark, probably from hero, referring to its aggrandizing effect on the personality]


(ˈhɛr oʊ ɪn)

n. a white crystalline powder, C21H23NO5, derived from morphine, that is narcotic and addictive: manufacture or import is prohibited in the U.S. and other nations. [1895–1900; formerly trademark; < German Heroin < Greek hērō-, s. of hḗrōs hero + German -in -in1; allegedly so called from feelings of power and euphoria that it induces]
Noun1.heroin - a narcotic that is considered a hard drugheroin - a narcotic that is considered a hard drug; a highly addictive morphine derivative; intravenous injection provides the fastest and most intense rushdiacetylmorphinebig H, hell dust, nose drops, scag, skag, thunder, smack - street names for heroinhard drug - a narcotic that is considered relatively strong and likely to cause addictionopiate - a narcotic drug that contains opium or an opium derivative


(ˈherəuin) noun a drug obtained from opium. 海洛因 海洛因
to take heroin (not heroine).





(hĕ`rəwən), opiate drugopiate drug,
any of a group of drugs derived from opium. Used medicinally to relieve pain and induce sleep, they include codeine, morphine, the morphine derivative heroin, and, formerly, laudanum.
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 synthesized from morphinemorphine,
principal derivative of opium, which is the juice in the unripe seed pods of the opium poppy, Papaver somniferum. It was first isolated from opium in 1803 by the German pharmacist F. W. A. Sertürner, who named it after Morpheus, the god of dreams.
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 (see narcoticnarcotic,
any of a number of substances that have a depressant effect on the nervous system. The chief narcotic drugs are opium, its constituents morphine and codeine, and the morphine derivative heroin.

See also drug addiction and drug abuse.
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). Originally produced in 1874, it was thought to be not only nonaddictive but useful as a cure for respiratory illness and morphine addiction, and capable of relieving morphine withdrawal symptoms. Later it was discovered to have the same pharmacologic effects as morphine and to be just as addictive. In many parts of the world, it is used as an analgesic (for relief of pain), particularly for the terminally ill. Although in the United States the manufacture and importation of the drug are prohibited and it is not used medically, heroin predominates in illicit narcotics traffic because it provides more potency for less bulk than morphine and is thus easier to smuggle.

See also drug addiction and drug abusedrug addiction and drug abuse,
chronic or habitual use of any chemical substance to alter states of body or mind for other than medically warranted purposes. Traditional definitions of addiction, with their criteria of physical dependence and withdrawal (and often an underlying
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Effects and Addiction

Heroin is a central nervous system depressant that relieves pain and induces sleep. It produces a dreamlike state of warmth and well-being. It may also cause constricted pupils, nausea, and respiratory depression, which in its extremes can result in death. Heroin activates brain regions that produce euphoric sensations and brain regions that produce physical dependence—hence its notorious ability to produce both psychological and physical addiction. Its addictiveness is characterized by persistent craving for the drug, tolerance (the need for larger and larger doses to get the same results), and painful and dangerous withdrawal. Withdrawal symptoms include panic, nausea, muscle cramps, chills, and insomnia. Heroin use during pregnancy increases the risk of miscarriage and stillbirth. Infants exposed to heroin in the womb go through withdrawal at birth and exhibit various developmental problems. Besides the danger of overdose, addicts are susceptible to malnutrition, hepatitishepatitis
, inflammation of the liver. There are many types of hepatitis. Causes include viruses, toxic chemicals, alcohol consumption, parasites and bacteria, and certain drugs.
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, pneumonia, and AIDSAIDS
or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome,
fatal disease caused by a rapidly mutating retrovirus that attacks the immune system and leaves the victim vulnerable to infections, malignancies, and neurological disorders. It was first recognized as a disease in 1981.
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Heroin Use

Heroin is usually injected intravenously, but may also be injected intramuscularly or under the skin, smoked, or sniffed; effects last three to six hours. In some cases addicts gather in places called "shooting galleries," often located in vacant buildings, which supply the necessary paraphernalia (e.g., hypodermic needle and spoon to heat and liquefy the heroin). Sharing of heroin needles significantly increases the risk of acquiring AIDS (from contaminated blood left in the syringe). Different distributors of heroin often assign "brand names" to their products to enhance rumors of their strength ("Death Wish," "DOA") or effects ("Evening's Delight," "Magic"). Because the drug's strength and purity are unmonitored, each administration brings with it the possibility of overdose, illness from contaminants, or death. Multiple drug use involving heroin is common and results in many emergency-room visits. For example "speedballing," the use of heroin with cocainecocaine
, alkaloid drug derived from the leaves of the coca shrub. A commonly abused illegal drug, cocaine has limited medical uses, most often in surgical applications that take advantage of the fact that, in addition to its anesthetic effect, it constricts small arteries,
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 intravenously, moderates the expected post-cocaine "crash." Instances of overdose increased among the growing group of middle-class users that emerged in the 1990s as a potent powdered heroin became available. Since 2002, heroin use has increased significantly, especially among persons dependent on opioid painkillers, in part because heroin is cheaper and does not require a prescription.

Heroin Production

Most heroin originates from opium poppy farms in SW Asia (the "Golden Crescent," primarily Afghanistan and Pakistan), SE Asia (the "Golden Triangle," primarily in Myanmar), and Latin American (primarily Colombia). The opium gum is converted to morphine in labs near the fields and then to heroin in labs within or near the producing country. After importation, drug dealers cut, or dilute, the heroin (1 part heroin to 9 to 99 parts dilutor) with sugars, starch, or powdered milk before selling it to addicts; quininequinine
, white crystalline alkaloid with a bitter taste. Before the development of more effective synthetic drugs such as quinacrine, chloroquine, and primaquine, quinine was the specific agent in the treatment of malaria.
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 is also added to imitate the bitter taste of heroin so the addict cannot tell how much heroin is actually present. It is sold in single-dose bags of 0.1 gram (0.03 oz.), each costing between $5 and $46 (1992). One pound of diluted heroin yields approximately 4,500 doses.

Heroin and Crime

Heroin use has long been associated with crime because its importation and distribution are illegal and because many addicted people turn to theft and prostitution to obtain money to buy the drug. In addition, violent competition between drug dealers has resulted in many murders and the deaths of innocent bystanders. From 1979 through 1990 arrests for heroin manufacture, sale, or possession in the United States held steady, but in the 1990s arrests rose as the drug's popularity began to increase once more.

The heroin trade can be enormously lucrative to those in the upper echelons. For decades the Mafia has been involved in heroin trafficking operations, including the "French Connection" of the 1950s and 1960s and the more recent "Pizza Connection," which used pizza parlors as fronts. Other trafficking groups are more loosely based on ethnic or national ties; for example, groups of Chinese, Thai, Nigerian, or Mexican nationals have operated in different parts of the country. In contrast to those in the higher tiers, many dealers on the street level are addicted or imprisoned frequently, and their financial gains are limited. U.S. laws and law enforcement efforts focus on interrupting the flow of heroin into the country as well as the arrest of distributors and persons who commit crimes to support their habits.

Treatment of Heroin Addiction

Treatment approaches vary with the motivation, background, and support system of the addict. Treatment of withdrawal may include palliative medication. Methadonemethadone
, synthetic narcotic similar in effect to morphine. Synthesized in Germany, it came into clinical use after World War II. It is sometimes used as an analgesic and to suppress the cough reflex.
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 maintenance is a controversial treatment that substitutes methadone for heroin then gradually decreases the dose until the user is drug free. Levomethadyl acetate (LAAM) and buprenorphine also have been approved for maintenance treatment of heroin addiction. Other treatment approaches may include psychological counseling, 12-step peer support groups such as Narcotics Anonymous, and educational and vocational services in residential or nonresidential settings.


See publications of the Drugs & Crime Data Center and Clearinghouse, the Bureau of Justice Statistics Clearinghouse, and the National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information.


[′her·ə·wən] (pharmacology) C21H23O5N A white, crystalline powder made from morphine; the hydrochloride compound is used as a sedative and narcotic.


a white odourless bitter-tasting crystalline powder related to morphine: a highly addictive narcotic. Formula: C21H23NO5



 [her´o-in] a highly addictive narcotic derived from morphine. Because of its vulnerability to abuse, its medicinal use and sale are prohibited in the United States and many other countries. (See drug abuse.) Called also diacetylmorphine.

her·o·in (H),

(her'ō-in), An alkaloid, prepared from morphine by acetylation; rapidly metabolized to morphine in the body; formerly used for the relief of cough. Except for research, its use in the U.S. is prohibited by federal law because of its potential for abuse. Synonym(s): diacetylmorphine, diamorphine [trade name (it was marketed as the "heroine" of analgesic drugs)]


A highly addictive semisynthetic opioid synthesised from morphine, which is associated with myriad pathologies from different organ systems.
Pharmacologic effects
Blocks severe, constant pain; suppresses cough; respiratory sedative.
Staphylococcus aureus endocarditis, especially affecting the right side and the tricuspid valve.
GI tract
Chronic, nonspecific portal triaditis, chronic active hepatitis with septal fibrosis, piecemeal necrosis, lobular inflammation, chronic persistent hepatitis and nonspecific hepatitis—liver hepatitis HBV, HCV, HDV.
Aspiration pneumonia; pulmonary oedema due to direct heroin toxicity, affecting pulmonary capillaries or myocardium; hypoxic endothelial damage; congestive heart failure; central vasomotor effect (increased protein in oedema fluid); talc granulomas; increased risk of tuberculosis.
Track marks, circular scars with necrotic ulcers.
Street terms
Alquitran, alquitranat, antifreeze, aries, beast, Belushi, big H, black tar, blanca, blanco, bombido, bonita, boy, bozo, brea, broja, brown, brown sugar, caballo, caca, calbo, carga, chapopote, chatarra, chicle, China White (white heroin or fentanyl), chiva, cotics, crank, crap, cura, dirt, DOA, dope, Dr Feelgood, dust, dynamite, dyno, el diablo, estuffa, ferry dust, furra, gallup, gato, george, girl, glass, gold, golpe, goma, good, good horse, H, H&C, HRN, hache, hard, harry, hazel, heaven, henry, hera, heroina, hombre, horsebite, jeeJee, joharito, joy, junco, junk, karachi, la buena, Mayo, Mexican, mudmurotugora, nanoo, perica, perico, piedra, polvo, poppy, powder, quill, ready rock, red, shit, shoot, shoot-up, skag, skid, smack, spoon, stuff, TNT tar, tecata, tigre, tigre de blanco, tigre de Norte, tongs, vidrio, white, wings, witch, zoquete.
Related Terms
Agua de change—liquid heroin administered nasally.
Bindle—a small packet of drug powder (e.g., heroin).
Chasing the dragon or chasing the tiger—to smoke heroin.
Coffee—brown heroin.
Nose drops—liquefied heroin.
P-dope—20–30% pure heroin.
Punk rocker—heroin mixed with cocaine, crack, MDMA (ecstasy), or with LSD and marijuana.
Shabanging—heroin dissolved in liquid and taken through the nose using a nasal spray bottle.
Using monkey water—shabanging heroin/cocaine, diacetylmorphine/cocaine.


Diacetyl morphine Substance abuse A semisynthetic narcotic Pharmacologic effects Blocks severe, constant pain, ↓ cough; respiratory sedative Cardiovascular S aureus endocarditis, especially right-sided and tricuspid valve Liver Hepatitis–HAV, HBV, HCV, HDV, HEV Lungs Pulmonary edema, due to direct heroin toxicity to capillaries or myocardium, hypoxic endothelial damage, CHF, central vasomotor effect–↑ protein in edema Skin Track marks, circular scars with necrotic ulcers. See Brown heroin, Opium.


(H) (her'ō-in) An alkaloid prepared from morphine by acetylation; formerly used for the relief of cough. Except for research, its use in the United States is prohibited by federal law because of its potential for abuse.




a white crystalline powder, manufactured from morphine, used as a sedative and narcotic in the hydrochloride form.


(her'ō-in) An alkaloid, prepared from morphine by acetylation. Except for research, use in U.S. is prohibited by federal law because of its potential for abuse.

Patient discussion about heroin

Q. What are the effects of heroin addiction? I just found out that one of my block mates has been using heroin to keep her up all night just so she can study for our exams. But I don't think it's doing her any good. I asked her if she wanted to talk about it, but she refused. I would like to help her get out of heroin addiction while she still can.A. oh one my favorite ones for sure. the up side is nice sleepy time, complete numbing of unwanted emotion & sense of well being. the bad side it's unhealthy. i don't know how much it's the dope or the cut but that shit is hell on the g.i. tract, liver & kidneys. prolonged use over numerous years of time really change the brains factory specs. in other words physical withdrawl hell say two, three, four weeks or so (varies among bodys) but the psychological aspect can be a long suffered challenge to deal with. let's just say in my opinion one would really have to come to an internal & external relationship with life that they decide that their time to go straight & stay straight has arrived. & i mean after the detoxification process mentioned, that the same conviction, the same resolve remains.
now on a happier note "have a good day"! hope i've helped... please review my question & help me too?

Q. What are signs of withdrawl from heroin and their symptoms? A. heroin; is a opiate(derivative)-the other drugs in this catagory-are-morphine,codeine,heroin,dilaudid,percodan,percocet,demerol,darvon.and overdose wil cause stupor progressing to coma with respiratory depression,pupils become pinpoint and non-reactive-pulmonary edema and atrial fibrillation may ocur,convulsions may ocur also. long term use causes tolerance and physical dependence. suddan withdrawal of the drug produces symtoms such as shivering abdominal cramps, diarrhea,vomiting,sleeplessness,and restlessness. other problems include injection scars,skin abscesses,weight loss,and impotence. infections such as hepatitis-B and AIDS.---mrfoot56

Q. What are helpful tips for getting off heroin cold turky and with out some sort of treatment? A. HI--WARNING---IF posible you should do it under a DR.s care or in a REHAB--and if you do manage to do it on your own--you still will need to join(NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS)for support.YOU CANNOT STAY SOBER BY YOURSELF.CHECK THIS WEB SIT(in the rooms.com)TALK TO PEOPLE ON LINE-THEY WILL HELP YOU----mrfoot56

More discussions about heroin


  • noun

Synonyms for heroin

noun a narcotic that is considered a hard drug


  • diacetylmorphine

Related Words

  • big H
  • hell dust
  • nose drops
  • scag
  • skag
  • thunder
  • smack
  • hard drug
  • opiate




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