Hernández Martínez, Maximiliano
Hernández Martínez, Maximiliano
(mäk'sēmēlyä`nō ĕrnän`dĕs märtē`nĕs), 1882–1966, president of El Salvador (1931–44). An admirer of fascist theories, he seized power during a palace revolt, then was elected president in 1935. He ruled dictatorially until he was ousted by a general strike led by students, which erupted after his bloody suppression of an army uprising. The revolt spread to Guatemala, where Jorge UbicoUbico, Jorge, 1878–1946, president of Guatemala (1931–44). An army general, Ubico as president established financial stability and political order. He built an extensive network of roads and modernized local administrations to include increased health and school
..... Click the link for more information. was similarly deposed. Hernández Martínez lived in exile in Honduras.