granulomatous arteritis

tem·po·ral ar·te·ri·tis

[MIM*187360] a subacute, granulomatous arteritis involving the external carotid arteries, especially the temporal artery; occurs in old people and may be manifested by constitutional symptoms, particularly severe headache, and sometimes sudden unilateral blindness. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate is always elevated. Shares many of the symptoms of polymyalgia rheumatica. Synonym(s): cranial arteritis, extracranial arteritis, giant cell arteritis, granulomatous arteritis, Horton arteritis

granulomatous arteritis

Large-vessel encephalitis Neurology A herpes zoster-induced condition characterized by a stroke that develops wks or months after zoster of contralateral trigeminal nerve distribution, caused by bland, or less commonly, hemorrhagic infarction, due to large vessel arteritis; most Pts are > age 60; mean time of onset is 7 wks after development of herpes zoster; TIAs and mental Sx are common; up to 25% die See Herpes zoster. Cf Small vessel arteritis.