(hĭlkī`ə), in the Bible. 1 High priest under King Josiah and a leader in his revival of religion. 2 Father of Jeremiah. 3 Father of EliakimEliakim. 1 King of Judah: see Jehoiakim. 2 Important officer of state under King Hezekiah. 3 Priest at the dedication of the new wall at Jerusalem. 4, 5 Names appearing in the Gospel genealogies.
..... Click the link for more information. (2.) 4 Merarite Levites. 5 Father of GemariahGemariah
, in the Bible. 1 Jewish noble favorable to Jeremiah and Baruch. 2 Envoy to Nebuchadnezzar.
..... Click the link for more information. (2.) 6 Companion of Ezra. 7 Levite who returned with Zerubbabel.