释义 |
DictionarySeeindependent practice associationindividual practice association
in·di·vid·u·al prac·tice as·so·ci·a·tion (IPA) (in'di-vij'yū-ăl prak'tis ă-sō'sē-ā'shŭn) Form of health maintenance organization in which the patient does not need a referral or permission to see any physician in the plan. in·di·vid·u·al prac·tice as·so·ci·a·tion(IPA) (in'di-vij'ū-ăl prak'tis ă-sō'sē-ā'shŭn) Form of health maintenance organization in which the patient does not need a referral or permission to see any participating physician. AcronymsSeeisophthalic acid |