Hernando County
Hernando County, Florida
Brooksville, FL 34601
Phone: (352) 754-4000
Fax: (352) 754-4477
On central Gulf coast of FL, north of Tampa; organized Feb 24, 1843 (prior to statehood). Name changed to Benton County Mar 6, 1844, and back again Dec 24, 1850. Name Origin: For Hernando De Soto (c. 1500-42), Spanish explorer of southern U.S. Changed to honor Thomas Hart Benton (1782-53) who sponsored legislation to open central FL to settlement; name changed back because of his moderate position on the Missouri Compromise
Area (sq mi):: 589.08 (land 478.31; water 110.77) Population per square mile: 331.20
Population 2005: 158,409 State rank: 28 Population change: 2000-20005 21.10%; 1990-2000 29.40% Population 2000: 130,802 (White 89.20%; Black or African American 4.10%; Hispanic or Latino 5.00%; Asian 0.60%; Other 2.40%). Foreign born: 5.30%. Median age: 49.50
Income 2000: per capita $18,321; median household $32,572; Population below poverty level: 10.30% Personal per capita income (2000-2003): $23,475-$24,555
Unemployment (2004): 5.60% Unemployment change (from 2000): 1.40% Median travel time to work: 29.30 minutes Working outside county of residence: 33.30%
See other counties in Florida.