

(hɜːˈmɛtɪˌsɪzəm) n (Alternative Belief Systems) a cult based on religious and philosophical beliefs attributed to Hermes and popular around the time of the Renaissance


(hɜrˈmɛt əˌsɪz əm)

also her•me•tism

(ˈhɜr mɪˌtɪz-)

n. (sometimes cap.) 1. the body of ideas set forth in hermetic writings. 2. adherence to the ideas expressed in hermetic writings. 3. the occult sciences, esp. alchemy. [1890–95] her•met′i•cist, adj., n.

Hermeticism2, hermeticism

1. the ideas or beliefs set forth in the writings of Hermes Trismegistus.
2. adherence to these ideas and beliefs.
See also: Alchemy, Philosophy
1. the occult concepts, ideas, or philosophy set forth in the writings of the hermeticists of the late Middle Ages and the early Renaissance.
2. adherence to, belief in, or propagation of these concepts and ideas.
3. Literature. a symbolic and arcane style similar to that of the hermeticists, especially in the poetry of certain French symbolist poets. — hermeticist, hermetist, n. — hermetic, hermetical, adj.
See also: Mysticism
1. the occult concepts, ideas, or philosophy set forth in the writings of the hermeticists of the late Middle Ages and the early Renaissance.
2. adherence to, belief in, or propagation of these concepts and ideas.
3. a symbolic and arcane style similar to that of the hermeticists, especially in the poetry of certain French symbolist poets. — hermeticist, hermetist, n. — hermetic, hermetical, adj.
See also: Literary Style