

单词 hermes




H0164300 (hûr′mēz)n. Greek Mythology The god of commerce, invention, cunning, and theft, who also served as messenger, scribe, and herald for the other gods.


(ˈhɜːmiːz) n (Classical Myth & Legend) Greek myth the messenger and herald of the gods; the divinity of commerce, cunning, theft, travellers, and rascals. He was represented as wearing winged sandals. Roman counterpart: Mercury


(ˈhɜːmiːz) n (Astronomy) a small asteroid some 800 m in diameter that passed within 670 000 kilometres of the earth in 1937, and is now lost


(ˈhɜr miz)

n. an ancient Greek god, the herald and messenger of the other gods, associated with commerce, invention, and cunning: identified by the Romans with Mercury.
Noun1.Hermes - (Greek mythology) messenger and herald of the godsHermes - (Greek mythology) messenger and herald of the gods; god of commerce and cunning and invention and theft; identified with Roman MercuryGreek mythology - the mythology of the ancient Greeks




in Greek religion and mythology, son of Zeus and Maia. His functions were many, but he was primarily the messenger of the gods, particularly of Zeus, and conductor of souls to Hades. He was god of travelers and roads, of luck, of music and eloquence, of merchants and commerce, of young men, and of cheats and thieves. He was credited with having invented the lyre and the shepherd's flute. His most typical monument, the herma or herm, was a stone pillar which usually had a carved head on top and a phallus in the center, probably representing the god in his original role as the giver of fertility. The Hermaea, a riotous festival, was celebrated in his honor. In art, as exemplified by the statue The Flying Mercury by Giovanni Bologna (Bargello, Florence) Hermes is represented as a graceful youth, wearing a wide-brimmed winged hat and winged sandals and carrying the caduceuscaduceus
, wing-topped staff, with two snakes winding about it, carried by Hermes, given to him (according to one legend) by Apollo. The symbol of two intertwined snakes appeared early in Babylonia and is related to other serpent symbols of fertility, wisdom, and healing, and of
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. A famous statue by Praxiteles, which is located in the Heraeum at Olympia, Greece, shows Hermes with the child Dionysus. The Romans identified Hermes with Mercury.


in astronomy: see asteroidasteroid,
or minor planet,
small body orbiting the sun. More than 300,000 asteroids have been identified and cataloged; more than a million are believed to exist in the main belt between Mars and Jupiter, with many more in the Kuiper belt
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(her -meez) 1 a spaceplane originally proposed by ESA as a crew-carrying space transport system to be launched by Ariane-5. ESA approved the spaceplane project in 1987, aiming at a first launch in 1995. But the loss of the space shuttle Challenger in 1986 forced the craft's designers to add in extra safety features that increased its weight and drove up costs. After its budget was cut in 1992, ESA tried to revive it as a joint project with Russia, but without success. Hermes was finally cancelled in 1993. 2 (1937 UB or (69230) Hermes) An asteroid discovered by Karl Reimuth in 1937 when it approached within 0.006 AU (780 000 km) of the Earth. A very small member of the Apollo group, it was lost for 66 years because of uncertain knowledge of its orbit. It was rediscovered in 2003 by US astronomer Brian A. Skiff and is now known to cross the Earth's orbit once every 777 days. By tracking its orbit back to the year of its discovery, astronomers have learned that it made very close approaches to Earth in 1942 (within 0.0044 AU), 1954, 1974, 1980, and 1986, but went unnoticed. Radar observations of Hermes made from the Arecibo observatory since its rediscovery indicate that it is in fact two rocky bodies in orbit around each other.


[′hər‚mēz] (astronomy) A very small asteroid which passed within 485,000 miles (780,000 kilometers) of the earth in 1937, the closest known approach of a celestial body other than the moon.


(Rom. Mercury) messenger of the gods. [Gk. Myth.: Wheeler Dictionary, 240]See: Messenger


(Rom. Mercury) messenger god; ran on the wings of the wind. [Gk. Myth.: Zimmerman, 124]See: Swiftness


1 Greek myth the messenger and herald of the gods; the divinity of commerce, cunning, theft, travellers, and rascals. He was represented as wearing winged sandals


2 a small asteroid some 800 m in diameter that passed within 670 000 kilometres of the earth in 1937, and is now lost


(language)An experimental, very high level, integratedlanguage and system from the IBM Watson Research Centre,produced in June 1990. It is designed for implementation oflarge systems and distributed applications, as well as forgeneral-purpose programming. It is an imperative language,strongly typed and is a process-oriented successor toNIL.

Hermes hides distribution and heterogeneity from theprogrammer. The programmer sees a single abstract machinecontaining processes that communicate using calls or sends.The compiler, not the programmer, deals with the complexityof data structure layout, local and remote communication, andinteraction with the operating system. As a result, Hermesprograms are portable and easy to write. Because theprogramming paradigm is simple and high level, there are manyopportunities for optimisation which are not present inlanguages which give the programmer more direct control overthe machine.

Hermes features threads, relational tablesHermes is,typestate checking, capability-based access and dynamic configuration.

Version 0.8alpha patchlevel 01 runs on RS/6000, Sun-4,NeXT, IBM-RT/BSD4.3 and includes a bytecode compiler,a bytecode->C compiler and run-time support.

0.7alpha for Unix.

E-mail: , Andy Lowry.

Usenet newsgroup: news:comp.lang.hermes.

["Hermes: A Language for Distributed Computing". Strom,Bacon, Goldberg, Lowry, Yellin, Yemini. Prentice-Hall,Englewood Cliffs, NJ. 1991. ISBN: O-13-389537-8].


Code name for Microsoft's SMS. See SMS.




The trade finance agency for Germany.


An export credit guarantee issued by the German state. Hermes covers guarantee payment on certain exports in case the importer defaults. They are used to cover between 2% and 3% of German exports. This allows the exporters to charge lower prices for their products because of the reduced risk. As with all export credit, Hermes is controversial; critics allege that it negatively impacts international development, as developing countries cannot compete with such insured exports. Proponents argue that they enable developing countries to import products they otherwise would not be able to afford.


HERMESHotspot Ecosystem Research on the Margins of European Seas (Southampton, Hampshire, England, UK)
HERMESHeuristic Emergency Response Management Expert System
HERMESHigh-Energy Radiation Megavolt Electron Source
HERMESTelematic Healthcare-Remoteness and Mobility Factors in Common European Scenarios (EU)
HERMESHelping Europe Revitalise Manufacturing: An Educational Strategy


  • noun

Words related to Hermes

noun (Greek mythology) messenger and herald of the gods

Related Words

  • Greek mythology




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