

H0332400 (hûrt)v. hurt, hurt·ing, hurts a. To cause physical damage or pain to (an individual or a body part); injure: The fall hurt his back.b. To experience injury or pain to or in (an individual or a body part): I hurt my knee skiing.2. To cause mental or emotional suffering to; distress: The remark hurt his feelings.3. To cause physical damage to (something); harm: The frost hurt the orange crop.4. To be detrimental to; hinder or impair: The scandal hurt the candidate's chances for victory.v.intr.1. To have or produce a feeling of physical pain or discomfort: My leg hurts.2. a. To cause distress or damage: Parental neglect hurts.b. To have an adverse effect: "It never hurt to have a friend at court" (Tom Clancy).3. Informal To experience distress, especially of a financial kind; be in need: "Even in a business that's hurting there's always a guy who can make a buck" (New York).n.1. Something that hurts; a pain, injury, or wound.2. Mental suffering; anguish: getting over the hurt of reading the letter.3. A wrong; harm: What hurt have you done to them?
[Middle English hurten, possibly from Old French hurter, to bang into, perhaps of Germanic origin.]
hurt′er n.


(ˈhɜːtə) nan object or part that gives protection, such as a concrete block that protects a building from traffic or the shoulder of an axle against which the hub strikes[C14 hurtour, from Old French hurtoir something that knocks or strikes, from hurter to hurt1]