Hermann Jung

Jung, Hermann


Born 1830; died Sept. 3, 1901, in London. Swiss watchmaker. Figure in the international working-class movement.

Jung took part in the Revolution of 1848–49 in Germany; after its defeat he emigrated to London. He was a member of the General Council of the First International from 1864 to 1872 and corresponding secretary for Switzerland. He was chairman of a number of congresses and of the London Conference of the First International, held in 1871. Jung was a member of the revolutionary proletarian wing headed by K. Marx; in the autumn of 1872, however, he joined the reformist wing of the British Federation, which opposed the decisions of the Hague Congress of September 1872. In 1876, Jung helped initiate attempts to rebuild the International on a reformist basis. Jung later took part in the trade union movement.