Herman Jacques Jordan
Jordan, Herman Jacques
Born July 9, 1877, in Paris; died Sept. 21, 1943, in the Netherlands. Dutch physiologist, professor at the University of Utrecht (1915); member of the Dutch Academy of Sciences.
Jordan graduated from the University of Bonn in 1901 and worked at the Naples Biostation and later at the Institute of Comparative Physiology, which he founded, at the University of Utrecht. His principal works were on digestion, respiration, and the physiology of the neuromuscular apparatus. He studied, from an evolutionary point of view, the role of nerve plexuses in mollusks, the mechanism of plastic tonus of the smooth muscles, and some problems of muscle movement.
Vergleichende Physiologie wirbelloser Tiere. Jena, 1913.Allgemeine vergleichende Physiologie der Tiere. Berlin, 1929.
In Russian translation:
Praktikum sravnitel’noi fiziologii. Moscow-Leningrad, 1934. (With G. Kh. Girsh.)