bandwidth hog
bandwidth hog
bandwidth hog
A large file that takes a long time to download and at the same time makes it impossible to access anything else online. Also a person who is online for long periods.
national bibliography of indian literature
national bicycle and pedestrian clearinghouse
national bicycle commuters association
national bicycle corporation of india ltd.
national bicycle dealers association
national bicycle greenway
national bicycle history archive of america
national bicycle league
national bicycle route network
national bicycle safety network
national bicycle tour directors association
national bicycling and walking study
national bikini team
national bilby day
national bill of patients' rights
national bio- and agro-defense facility
national biodefense analysis and countermeasures center
national biodiesel accreditation program
national biodiesel board it division
national bioethics advisory commission
national biological information infrastructure
national biological survey
national biomedical computational resource
national biomedical tracer facility
national bio resource project
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