Granjard, Henri
Granjard, Henri
Born June 14, 1900. French Slavicist and specialist in literature; professor of Russian language and literature in Rennes (1956–59). Lille (1959–60). and Paris (since 1960).
Granjard is the author of works on the writing of I. S. Turgenev and A. I. Herzen and on the intellectual life of Russia from the 1830’s to the 1860’s. He appeared at the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the birth of Turgenev in Moscow (see Pravda, Nov. 13, 1968).
Ivan Tourguénev et les courants politiques et sociaux de son temps. Paris. 1967.Mácha et la Renaissance nationale en Bohème. Paris, 1957.
“Duromantisme politique: Slavophiles et populistes.” Revue des études slaves, 1957, vol. 34. pp. 73–94.
“A. Herzen à la croisée des chemins (1842–1846).” Ibid., 1958. vol. 35. pp. 57–76.
Ivan Tourguénev, la comtesse Lambert et “Nid de Seigneurs,” Paris, 1960.
Krestova, L. “Issledovanie frantsuzskogo uchenogo o Turgeneve.” Voprosy literatury, 1957, no. 4.[Discussion materials on the lecture by A. Granzhar “O politiche-skom romantizme slavianofilov i narodnikov.”] In the collection IV mezhdunarodnvi s”ezd slavistov. vol. 1. Moscow. 1962. Pages 315–19.