Acronym | Definition |
HST➣Hawaiian Standard Time (GMT-1030) |
HST➣Health Sciences and Technology |
HST➣Harmonized Sales Tax (Canada) |
HST➣Hubble Space Telescope |
HST➣Health Systems Trust |
HST➣Harry S. Truman |
HST➣High School Transcript (education) |
HST➣Hunter S. Thompson (writer) |
HST➣Hastings |
HST➣High Speed Train |
HST➣Hoist |
HST➣Hawaiian Standard Time |
HST➣Hosting |
HST➣History Host |
HST➣Hydrostatic Transmission |
HST➣Hegemonic Stability Theory (international relations) |
HST➣Highland School of Technology (Gastonia, NC) |
HST➣Heat Shrink Tubing |
HST➣Home Sleep Testing |
HST➣High-Speed Technology (Modem) |
HST➣High Speed Technology |
HST➣Health Services Team (various locations) |
HST➣Humane Society of Tulsa (Tulsa, OK) |
HST➣Human Services Today (journal) |
HST➣Henkilön Sähköinen Tunnistaminen |
HST➣Higher Surgical Training (medical) |
HST➣Helicopter Support Team |
HST➣Heat Soak Test (treatment to convert Nickel Sulphide in tempered glass) |
HST➣Health and Safety Technician |
HST➣History/Host (File Name Extension) |
HST➣Hypersonic Transport |
HST➣Henkel Surface Technologies (India) |
HST➣Half Season Ticket (football games; UK) |
HST➣History Speaks Today |
HST➣Human Subjects Training (clinical studies) |
HST➣Hippo Site Toolkit |
HST➣Haggard School of Theology (Azusa Pacific University; California) |
HST➣Home-Station Training |
HST➣High Starting Torque (expansion valve) |
HST➣Horse Shoe Tear (eye injury) |
HST➣Hostile Sub-Terrestrial (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) |
HST➣High Score Table |
HST➣Healthy School Team |
HST➣High Pressure Sodium-Tubular |
HST➣Hypertropy Specific Training (bodybuilding method) |
HST➣Hazardous Substance Tax |
HST➣Hubbard-Stratonovich Transformation |
HST➣Hoyt's Sector Theory |
HST➣Hybrid Silica Technologies, Inc. (Ithaca, NY) |