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Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System
Health·care Com·mon Pro·ce·dure Cod·ing Sys·tem (HCPCS) (helth'kār kom'ŏn prŏ-sē'jŭr kōd'ing sis'tĕm) The alphanumeric coding system for reporting outpatient health care services for Medicare beneficiaries. Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System, HCPCSA standardized coding system used to process claims for insurance payments by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. It consists of two parts: a coding system devised by the American Medical Association called the Current Procedural Terminology, which describes procedures and services provided by health care professionals; and a system that identifies health-related products and services that are not provided by physicians, e.g., emergency medical services, durable medical equipment, supplies, and orthotics. AcronymsSeeHCPCS |