释义 |
HighwaymenSee also Outlawry, Thievery.Band of Merry MenRobin Hood’s brigands. [Br. Lit.: Robin Hood]Beane, SawneyEnglish highwayman whose gang slew and ate their victims. [Brit. Folklore: Misc.]Duval, Claude17th-century British highwayman; subject of ballads. [Br. Legend: Harvey, 256]Faggus, Tomstole, especially from the Doone clan. [Br. Lit.: Lorna Doone, Magill I, 524–526]Highwayman,the loves an innkeeper’s daughter, who vainly tries to save him from capture. [Br. Poetry: Noyes “The Highwayman” ]Hood, Robinoutlaw; stole from rich to give to poor. [Br. Lit.: Robin Hood]King, Tomthe “Gentleman Highwayman”; associate of Dick Turpin. [Br. Hist.: Brewer Note-Book, 363]Macheath, Captainhighwayman hero of the opera. [Br. Lit.: Beggar’s Opera]Moon’s menhighwaymen; worked their crimes by night. [Br. Lit.: I Henry IV]Rob RoyRobin Hood of Scotland. [Br. Lit.: Rob Roy]Turpin, Dick(1706–1739) enjoyed short and brutal career as horsestealer and highwayman. [Br. Hist.: NCE, 2808]Twitcher, Jemmytreacherous and crafty brigand. [Br. Lit.: Beggar’s Opera]LegalSeeHighwayman |