indirect reacting bilirubin

in·di·rect re·act·ing bil·i·ru·bin

the fraction of serum bilirubin which has not been conjugated with glucuronic acid in the liver cell; so called because it reacts with the Ehrlich diazo reagent only when alcohol is added; increased levels are found in hepatic disease and hemolytic conditions. Synonym(s): unconjugated bilirubin

in·di·rect re·act·ing bil·i·ru·bin

(in'di-rekt' rē-ak'ting bil'i-rū'bin) The fraction of serum bilirubin that has not been conjugated with glucuronic acid in the liver cell; so called because it reacts with the Ehrlich diazo reagent only when alcohol is added; increased levels are found in hepatic disease and hemolytic conditions.