a Paleolithic site in northwestern India (Punjab State), in the foothills of the Himalayas on the shores of the Banganga River (Indus River basin). Guler dates from the early culture of the Soan. It was discovered by the Indian archaeologist B. B. Lai in 1955 and was investigated between 1955 and 1968. Primitive hacking tools made of roughly flaked river pebbles were found (the so-called chopper-chopping tools) as well as tools from flakes, some atypical hand axes, and cores. Guler is among the most ancient sites of man’s habitation in India.
Gupta, S. P. “Obzor sovremennogo sostoianiia pervobytnoi ar-kheologii Indii v svete novykh otkrytii v Srednei Azii.” Sovetskaia etnografiia, 1968, no. 4.Lai, B. B. “Paleoliths From the Beas and Bangang Valleys, Punjab.” Ancient India, 1956, no. 12.