

单词 iba



abbr. International Bar Association


(in Britain) abbreviation for (Broadcasting) Independent Broadcasting Authority



(organic chemistry) indolebutyric acid
MedicalSeeIRFinancialSeeInternational Banking Act


IBAImportant Bird Area(s)
IBAInternational Bar Association
IBAIsrael Broadcasting Authority
IBAIndian Banks' Association
IBAInternational Business Administration (degree)
IBAIron Butt Association (motorcycling)
IBAInstitute of Business Appraisers
IBAInternational Business Academy (various locations)
IBAInterest-Based Advertising
IBAIon Beam Applications
IBAInstitute of Business Administration (Pakistan)
IBAIsobutanol (organic compound)
IBAIon Beam Analysis
IBAIncinerator Bottom Ash
IBAInstitut Biostatistiky a Analyz (Czech: Institute of Biostatistics and Analysis)
IBAInfiniband Architecture
IBAIntel Boot Agent
IBAIndependent Broadcasting Authority
IBAInternational Bartenders Association
IBAIllinois Bankers Association (est. 1891)
IBAIndiana Bankers Association (Indianapolis, IN)
IBAInterceptor Body Armor (US Army)
IBAInternational Bank of Azerbaijan
IBAInternational Bodyguard Association
IBAIrish Brokers Association
IBAImpact and Benefits Agreement (Canada)
IBAInternationale Bauaustellung (Fair, Berlin, Germany)
IBAIndividual Body Armor (US Army)
IBAintermediate bus architecture
IBAInternational Basketball Association
IBAInternational Beauty Association
IBAIndicator Based Assessment (education; UK)
IBAInstituto Brasileiro de Atuária (Portugese)
IBAInternational Bureau of Aviation (UK)
IBAIncident Business Advisor
IBAIndigenous Bar Association (Canada)
IBAInternational Bryozoology Association
IBAIndividually Billed Accounts
IBAIndustrial Biotechnology Association
IBAIntel Boot Agent (Intel)
IBAInterest Bearing Account (banking)
IBAInternational Business Accelerator (Santa Teresa, New Mexico)
IBAIndependent Bakers Association
IBAIntrust Bank Arena (Wichita, KS)
IBAIndependent Broadcast Authority
IBAInternational Bamboo Association (now World Bamboo Organization)
IBAIdaho Bankers Association
IBAIowa Bandmasters Association, Inc
IBAIron Bell Academy (New York)
IBAInstitute for Briquetting and Agglomeration
IBAInternational Business Advisors
IBAIndependent Business Application
IBAIndependent Board of Advisors (Georgia)
IBAInternational Board of Auditors (NATO)
IBAInternational Banking Advisor
IBAInhaled Beta Agonist
IBAIndole Butric Acid
IBAIndividual Brokerage Account
IBAIndiana Beekeeper's Association
IBAInternet Business Administration (US Northamerica)
IBAIntelligent Bandwidth Allocation (PCSI)
IBAInternet Business Application
IBAIntegrated Battlefield Architecture
IBAInertia Brake Actuator
IBAInterference Blanker Assembly
IBAInstitute for Business Advisors (South Africa)
IBAInternal Business Agreement
IBAInflatable Boat Association
IBAIndiana Bandmasters Association, Inc (Brownsburg, IN)
IBAInflatable Bouyant Apparatus (US Coast Guard)




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