Hortega neuroglia stain

Hor·te·ga neu·rog·li·a stain

(ōr-tā'gă), one of several silver carbonate methods to demonstrate astrocytes, oligodendroglia, and microglia.

Hor·te·ga neu·rog·li·a stain

(ōr-tā'gă nūr-og'lē-ă stān) One of several silver carbonate methods to demonstrate astrocytes, oligodendroglia, and microglia.


Pio del Rio, Spanish neurohistologist in South America, 1882-1945. Hortega cells - small neuroglial cells that may become phagocytic in areas of neural damage or inflammation. Synonym(s): microgliaHortega neuroglia stain - one of several silver carbonate methods to demonstrate astrocytes, oligodendroglia, and microglia.