Horsey, Jerome

Horsey, Jerome


Birthdate unknown; died not earlier than 1626. English nobleman.

Beginning in 1573, Horsey was in Russia as an agent of England’s Muscovy Company and secured privileges for it. Between 1581 and 1591 he also carried out a number of important diplomatic assignments for the English and Russian governments. He was the author of works on Russia (Horsey’s Journey, A Description of the Coronation of Fedor loannovich. The Second and Third Embassies to the Russian Tsar, Letters to Lord Burghley About Russia), which contain valuable information about the situation in Russia after the death of Ivan IV, the death in Uglich of the tsarevich Dmitrii in 1591, foreign policy, and so forth.


Zapiski o Moskovii XVI v. sera Dzheroma Gorseia. St. Petersburg, 1909. (Translated from English.)