HSOHiroshima Symphony Orchestra (Japan)
HSOHIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) Security Officer
HSOHalion Symphonic Orchestra
HSOThermal Enhanced Small Outline Package
HSOHartford Symphony Orchestra
HSOHealth and Safety Officer
HSOHuntsville Symphony Orchestra
HSOHealth Sciences Online
HSOHomeostatic Soil Organism
HSOHealth Service Organizations
HSOHousing Support Officer (various organizations)
HSOHealth Service Ombudsman (UK)
HSOHereford String Orchestra (est. 1958; UK)
HSOHaitian Student Organization (various universities)
HSOHonor Super Omnia (Kappa Delta Rho fraternity)
HSOHuman Service Organization
HSOHuman Services Officer
HSOHershey Symphony Orchestra (Hershey, PA)
HSOHot Sports Opinion
HSOHigh-Speed Online (Time Warner Cable)
HSOHealthcare Support Office (United States Navy)
HSOHot Spot Operator (wireless access)
HSOHabitation and Station Operations
HSOHull Street Outlet (Richmond, VA)
HSOHorizontal Sight Offset (traffic engineering)