Hardy, Godfrey Harold
Hardy, Godfrey Harold
Born Feb. 7, 1877, in Cran-leigh; died Dec. 1, 1947, in Cambridge. English mathematician. Fellow of the Royal Society of London (1910).
Hardy was a professor at Cambridge University from 1906 to 1919 and at Oxford University from 1919 to 1931. His principal contributions were in number theory and the theory of functions. Most of his papers were written with J. E. Littlewood. In number theory Hardy studied Diophantine approximations and, in particular, questions of the distribution of fractions, the additive theory of numbers, the theory of prime numbers, and the theory of the zeta function. In the theory of functions he investigated inequalities and trigonometric series. Other areas in which he worked include the theory of integral transformations and the theory of integral equations. Hardy also wrote papers on genetics.
In Russian translation:Neravenstva. Moscow, 1948. (With J. E. Littlewood and G. Polya.)
Kurs chistoi matematiki. Moscow, 1949.
Raskhodiashchiesia riady. Moscow, 1951.
Riady Fur’e. Moscow, 1959. (With W. W. Rogosinski.)