释义 |
-icssuff.1. Science, art, study, or knowledge of, or skill in: photonics.2. Actions, activities, or practices of: athletics.3. Qualities or operations of: mechanics. [-ic + -s (translation of Greek -ika, from neuter pl. of -ikos, adj. suff).]-ics suffix forming nouns (functioning as singular) 1. indicating a science, art, or matters relating to a particular subject: aeronautics; politics. 2. indicating certain activities or practices: acrobatics. [plural of -ic, representing Latin -ica, from Greek -ika, as in mathēmatika mathematics]-ics a suffix of nouns that denote a body of facts, knowledge, principles, etc., usu. corresponding to adjectives ending in -ic or -ical: ethics; physics; politics; tactics. [pl. of -ic, representing Latin -ica] usage: Nouns ending in -ics that name fields of study, sciences, arts, professions, or the like are usu. not preceded by an article and are used with a singular verb: Acoustics (the science) deals with sound. Politics (the art of government) fascinates me. In certain uses, often when preceded by a determiner like the, his, her, or their, most of these nouns can take a plural verb: The acoustics (the sound-reflecting qualities) of the hall are splendid. Their politics (political opinions) have antagonized everyone. ICS International College of Surgeons. EncyclopediaSeeICS-ics
-ics (iks), Organized knowledge, practice, treatment. [-ic + -s] -ics Suffix meaning organized knowledge, practice, treatment. -ics [Eng. pl. of L. -ica, Gr. -ika, pl. adj. ending] Suffix meaning organized body of knowledge. |