

单词 icr
释义 DictionarySeeIFP



(Intelligent Character Recognition or Image Character Recognition) The machine recognition of hand-printed characters as well as machine printing that is difficult to recognize.


ICRInformation Collection Request
ICRInstitute for Creation Research
ICRInstitute of Cancer Research (Canada)
ICRInternet Relay Chat (protocol)
ICRIon Cyclotron Resonance (mass-spectrometry)
ICRIntelligent Character Recognition
ICRInformation Collection Rule
ICRIssuer Credit Rating
ICRInterest Coverage Ratio (accounting)
ICRI Can Relate
ICRIntegrative Cancer Research
ICRIndirect Cost Recovery (various organizations)
ICRInterquartile Range (statistics)
ICRInternational Communications Research
ICRInstitute of Clinical Research (Buckinghamshire, UK)
ICRInsolvency and Creditor Rights (World Bank)
ICRIntel Cluster Ready
ICRInstitute of Cetacean Research (Japan)
ICRIncome Contingent Repayment (student financial aid)
ICRInterfacial Contact Resistanace
ICRImplementation Completion Report (World Bank)
ICRInternal Control Review (various organizations)
ICRInternational Competition Rules
ICRI Can't Remember
ICRInstitute for Chemical Research (Kyoto University, Japan)
ICRIndirect Cost Rate
ICRInternational Collaborative Research (various locations)
ICRInstitute for Community Research (Hartford, CT)
ICRInstitute for Cardiovascular Research (various universities)
ICRIn Class Resource (various schools)
ICRImprinting Control Region (genetics)
ICRImage-Character Recognition
ICRInfocom Research, Inc. (Japan)
ICRInitial Cell Rate
ICRInternational Christian Relief (World Council of Independent Christian Churches)
ICRInternational Corporate Responsibility
ICRIndustrial Cases Reports (UK)
ICRInterference Cancellation Ratio (signal processing)
ICRInvestment Credit (IRS)
ICRInternational Congress of Refrigeration
ICRIntelligent Call Router
ICRIndustrial Control Repair, Inc. (Warren, MI)
ICRInventory Change Report
ICRInconsistency Report (US Marine Corps)
ICRIntercultural Resources (Indian organization)
ICRIndemnité de Changement de Résidence (French: Change of Residence Allowance; various organizations)
ICRIndustrial Cost Recovery
ICRIndustrial Commercial Residential
ICRInitial Confirmation Review
ICRIndividual Census Report
ICRInter-Cooled Recuperated (gas turbine engine)
ICRIncident Complaint Report (US Navy Police)
ICRInstituut voor Criminaliteitsbeheersing en Recherchekunde (Institute for Criminal Investigation and Crime Science, Zutphen, Netherlands)
ICRInternational Commerce Review (publication)
ICRIn-Circuit Reconfigurable
ICRIn-Country Review
ICRIndependent Cost Review
ICRInstitute for Cooperative Research
ICRIncentivo Para la Capitalización Rural (Spanish)
ICRIntegrated Cancellation Ratio
ICRInteractive Color Raster Graphics (through TELNET, for example)
ICRInvestigation Continuation Review
ICRInterface Change Request
ICRIntelligence Collection Requirement
ICRIntegrating Contractor Representative
ICRInter-City Relay Station
ICRInstrument Command Request
ICRIncomplete Cyclic Reduction
ICRInterexchange Carrier Representative
ICRInjector Control Room
ICRInteractive Compliance Research
ICRInternational Centre of Roerichs (Moscow, Russian Federation)
ICRInternationale Commissie ter Bescherming van de Rijn (Dutch: International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine against Pollution)
ICRInterim Change Request
ICRInternal Contact Report
ICRInertial Confinement Fusion Reactor
ICRItem Control Recommendation
ICRIntercentile Range (statistics)
ICRIntrasomal Corneal Ring (refractive vision correction)
ICRIoannis Casimir Rex (Polish King; 17th Century) and a play on words: Initium Calamitatis Regni (beginning of the countries mishap)
ICRInternational Communications Recorder
ICRInternet Core Routers
ICRInsulated Conductor Rotation




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