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DictionarySeehyperostosishyperostosis frontalis interna
hyperostosis [hi″per-os-to´sis] excessive growth of bony tissue. adj., adj hyperostot´ic.frontal internal hyperostosis (hyperostosis fronta´lis inter´na) a new formation of bone tissue protruding in patches on the internal surface of the cranial bones in the frontal region, most commonly affecting women near menopause.generalized cortical hyperostosis a hereditary disorder beginning during puberty, marked by osteosclerosis of the skull, mandible, clavicles, ribs, and diaphyses of long bones, associated with elevated blood alkaline phosphatase.infantile cortical hyperostosis a syndrome seen in infants under six months of age, marked by fever, arthralgias, and swelling and cortical thickening of facial, trunk, and long bones. Called also Caffey's disease.hy·per·os·to·sis fron·ta·l'is in·ter·'na [MIM*144800] abnormal deposition of bone on the inner aspect of the os frontale, visible by x-ray; may be a part of Morgagni syndrome.hyperostosis frontalis interna Morgagni-Stewart-Morell syndrome A form of osteopetrosis more common in middle-aged ♀, associated with obesity, hirsutism, fatigue, hemiplegia and hemiparesis; HFI affects cranial bones, structurally compromising the hypophysis–causing dysmenorrhea, virilism, hirsutism, diabetes insipidus, and glucose intolerance, and cranial nerve foramina–causing vertigo, tinnitus, anosmia, and visual defects |