hyperosmolar (hyperglycemic) nonketotic coma

hy·per·os·mo·lar (hy·per·gly·cem·ic) non·ke·tot·ic co·ma

a complication seen in diabetes mellitus (q.v.) in which very marked hyperglycemia occurs (such as levels exceeding 800 mg/dL), causing osmotic shifts in water in brain cells, and resulting in coma. It can be fatal or lead to permanent neurologic damage. Ketoacidosis does not occur in these cases. Synonym(s): nonketotic hyperglycemia

hy·per·os·mo·lar (hy·per·gly·cem·ic) non·ke·tot·ic co·ma

(hī'pĕr-oz-mō'lăr hī'per-glī-sē'mik non'kē-tot'ik kō'mă) A complication seen in diabetes mellitus in which marked hyperglycemia occurs (e.g., levels exceeding 800 mg/dL), causing osmotic shifts in water in brain cells and resulting in coma; can be fatal or lead to permanent neurologic damage; ketoacidosis does not occur.

hy·per·os·mo·lar (hy·per·gly·cem·ic) non·ke·tot·ic co·ma

(hī'pĕr-oz-mō'lăr hī'per-glī-sē'mik non'kē-tot'ik kō'mă) Complication seen in diabetes mellitus (q.v.) in which very marked hyperglycemia occurs; can be fatal or lead to permanent neurologic damage.