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hyperorthocytosis hyperleukocytosis [hi″per-loo″ko-si-to´sis] extreme leukocytosis, as seen in certain forms of leukemia.hy·per·or·tho·cy·to·sis (hī'pĕr-ōr'thō-sī-tō'sis), Hyperleukocytosis in which the relative percentages of the various types of white blood cells are within the normal range and immature forms are not observed. [hyper- + G. orthos, correct, + kytos, cell, + -osis, condition] hy·per·or·tho·cy·to·sis (hī'pĕr-ōr'thō-sī-tō'sis) Hyperleukocytosis in which the relative percentages of the various types of white blood cells are within the normal range. [hyper- + G. orthos, correct, + kytos, cell, + -osis, condition] |