

单词 herd instinct

herd instinct

herd instinct

n (Psychology) psychol the inborn tendency to associate with others and follow the group's behaviour
instinct grégaireconformismoistinto gregario

herd instinct

herd instinct

Psychol the inborn tendency to associate with others and follow the group's behaviour

herd instinct

[′hərd ‚in‚stiŋkt] (psychology) Psychic need for identification with a group.

herd instinct


 [in´stinkt] a complex of unlearned responses characteristic of a species. adj., adj instinc´tive.death instinct Freud's concept of an unconscious drive toward dissolution and death, in opposition to the life instinct.herd instinct the instinct or urge to be one of a group and to conform to its standards of conduct and opinion.life instinct Freud's concept of all the constructive tendencies of the organism aimed at maintenance and perpetuation of the individual and species, in opposition to the death instinct.

herd in·stinct

tendency or inclination to band together with and share the customs of others of a group, and to conform to the opinions and adopt the views of the group. Synonym(s): social instinct

herd in·stinct

(hĕrd in'stingkt) Tendency or inclination to band together with and share the customs of others of a group, and to conform to the opinions and adopt the views of the group.

Herd Instinct

Herd Instinct

A sociological phenomenon in which everyone does what everyone else seems to be doing. In investing, the herd instinct is seen most commonly in panic sells and rallies that occur without regard for broader indicators. That is, regardless of the sustainability of a rally or the overreaction of the sell-off, the concept of a herd instinct suggests that traders will continue to follow the trend until contrary evidence becomes overwhelming (or simply until they calm down). See also: Behavioral economics, Crowd.




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