Graham Cave State Park
Graham Cave State Park
Location:2 miles west of Danville, off I-70, on Highway TT in Montgomery County.
Facilities:34 basic campsites, 18 electric campsites, showers, picnic sites,picnic shelter, playground areas, hiking trails, mountain bike trails,boat ramp, visitor center, exhibits.
Activities:Camping, stream fishing, boating, hiking, mountain biking, interpretive programs..
Special Features:Park features an unusual sandstone cave where archaeologists uncoveredartifacts revealing human use dating back to as early as 10,000 yearsago. Clues to the lifestyle of the ancient Dalton and Archaic periodNative Americans were uncovered, and exhibits at a visitor contactcenter describe the area's natural history and prehistoric occupation.
Address:217 Hwy TT
Montgomery City, MO 63361
Size: 360 acres.
See other parks in Missouri.